Sunday, August 2, 2009

How do i delete windows xp as i have 2 copies on my p.c?

when i start the media player it says the driver is in use by another programme or is not working properly

How do i delete windows xp as i have 2 copies on my p.c?
the only way is to do a complete reformat of your hard drive and relaod windows XP
Reply:how did you do that on two different partitions of the HARD DRIVE. if so format the one of them using a WIN 98 BOOT DISK PUT THE DISK IN AND RESTART WINDOWS THEN FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORMATTING the second PARTITION. there is no other way to do it if you haveFORMATTED the HARD DRIVE to N.F.T.S.
Reply:Hey whats up...There could be a couple things you have done there, For (1) if you have two copies on your PC just go to your start up menu, ' Like your logging off" click on your start menu and go to control panel, Look and find Add and remove programs and delete one of them.. (2) make sure you have went to windows and downloaded all updates for your system including the drivers. Hope this helps.....

Ok , did you re-install or install either another os or the same xp ? If this is the case then i guess its that when you boot up your pc , you see 2 windows and it tells you to choose wich operating system to boot from right ? if this is the case then right click on my computer , go to properties and select advance tab , then go to startup and recovery options at the bottom and hit settings , once here , all you got to do is edit the file that says system startup and voilaa
Reply:It may not be Windows XP. You would be better off uninstalling the media player. Using the add/remove software on your control panel then using your CD ROM re-installing that component using the customise install and just select the media player. Or if it's not Windows media player. Install the media player. Go on-line, download it again and make it your default player.

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