Saturday, May 22, 2010

Unable to delete partition while installing windows 2000?

While installing windows 2k, I wanted to format my C drive by deleting the C partition and then creating it again but when it says "press D to delete the partition" nothing happens.

help please. Thanks.

Unable to delete partition while installing windows 2000?
well i have only resarted my computer once and it was a couple weeks ago, so my memery is a little fuzzy. on mine there were two things, the C drive partitioned and the D drive (free space). you would first of all delete the C drive partitioned and it should say some thing like "if you delete this drive you will not be able to start your computer before completing the setup". if i am understanding you, it does not give you this message. well first of all turn your computer on normally and check to see if your "D" BUTTON WORKS!!! in which case it should work....however, if you are upgrading or downgrading your current Windows 1990 or Windows XP you must make sure to boot your computer form the disk, not put the disk in once windows has case you don't know how... you start your computer, put in the disk, turn off your computer, turn your computer back on, and on the screen while first turned on it should say "to boot from disk press any key" and now if it doesn't work, call the GEEK SQUAD!
Reply:If you want to delete all existing partitions before installing Windows 2000 the best free program that will do the job is called Darik's boot and nuke at You download the iso file to make a bootable CD. After wiping the hard drive you can set up a single partition with Windows 2000 setup.
Reply:Now which OS is on the disk? Is XP? then it not allows u to rollback to old OS from XP. i think you have to press "L" also to complete the deletion confirmation and process. Use XP cd to delete the partition after quiting the installation of XP install 2k.

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